St Peter / Balsall Common

Our Policies:


Safeguarding (Adult *and* Children):

We have policies and officers in place to ensure that due processes exist and are followed to ensure the welfare and safety of all who use our church, and that all ‘officers’ (people working on behalf of the church) are duly trained and examined (“DBS checked”). For more information and contact details in case of need, please Click here and follow the link (NB this also includes issues of Domestic Abuse and Modern Slavery)

Our Social Media Policy:

We do not have a formal policy for our social media channels, except that we observe our responsibilities to children and vulnerable adults as expressed in our safeguarding policy. However, we attempt to comply with the Church of England social media guidelines (click on the highlighted text to access these)

Policy on Video-recording:

Additional protocol to the St Peter’s Policy on Data Protection. 

Video Recording and Live Streaming of events in Church.

It is a guiding principle of our Data Protection Policy that any data (including pictures) collected should fit with our policies of Safety, Safeguarding, and Mission – so that nobody should be harmed by our filming, or exposed to risk (such as by stalkers, or other forms of exploitation) and that its use should be related to our role in spreading the Gospel. Consequently, nobody should be identified by name without their explicit consent, and everyone should be given the opportunity to stay out of camera shot.

Under Data Protection legislation, ‘religion, faith or belief’ is a ‘protected characteristic’ and regarded as sensitive data. Pictures that suggest or indicate the faith or belief of an individual are therefore explicitly subject to GDPR regulation, although if these are for ‘private’ use within a group or for individual use, they are exempt. However, for the avoidance of uncertainty, St Peter’s Church will post notices informing those using the church that they may be recorded on video, and in some services, these are sent to the internet as a ‘live stream’. Anyone wishing to avoid inclusion should be informed where to sit (in the Baptistry, in general, or at the rear of the Hall for services held there), to avoid being accidentally shown ‘on camera’. When appropriate (eg during the giving of Communion) it might be desirable to direct the PTZ (‘streaming’) camera at another activity such as the piano or screen.

Our filming, and any other ‘data collection’, will only ever be used for sharing our worship, or when necessary, for security purposes, and similar legitimate uses. We shall never use them for commercial purposes, although we may accept donations from families when filming is arranged for weddings and funerals or similar family occasions, on the understanding that they accept that copies are only shared for personal use, and not for wider publication.

When videos are shared on our websites, or with others by sending a ‘link’ URL, we use Youtube’s ‘Unlisted’ setting, which means that they can only be seen by those with whom the link is explicitly shared. They cannot be found by ‘search’ strategies. Recordings of young people (only ever used by explicit permission of parents) are ‘de-linked’ after an agreed period, usually after 2 days.

Copy of notice:

Privacy Notice:

We use our closed-circuit cameras to collect photographic images for Recording or “Live-streaming” services from our church in order to reach out to those who are unable to attend in person, or who wish to participate in our services remotely. Also sometimes we will be sharing the recorded or live-streamed services with the general public, by uploading it to social media and other internet sites. This means the pictures may be classed as a “special category” of information that indicates Religious belief. We do not identify individuals by name or other ‘personal data’ but you may wish to be aware that by entering our church when a service is ongoing or about to begin, your ‘data’ are being thus collected. If you object, please let one of our ‘Technical Team’ know that you wish to be excluded from recordings and they will advise you where to sit. By entering the church without this action, you are consenting to us using your data for the purposes set out above.

Note: Other images are also recorded by CCTV for security reasons and removed after a week – these data are exempt from Data Protection legislation.

St Peter’s Church

Balsall Common

Adopted by PCC: 28 Jan 2021.

Our Health & Safety Policy:

(you can also find it as a 'word' file to download, here)

You can also read our Data Protection policy here >

Our Safeguarding (child protection) policies can be viewed here >

We also have advisors in place to assist with issues of domestic abuse and abuse of vulnerable adults.

St Peter’s Church 

Holly Lane

Balsall Common

West Midlands


Date July 27, 2017

Review date July 27, 2021

Note - there are some formatting errors in this document which are being corrected.

To all employees, voluntary helpers and contractors:
The success of this policy will depend on your co-operation. It is therefore important that you read this document and understand your role and the overall arrangements for health and safety.

This document has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and the regulations made under it.

The policy is in three sections:

Section A– General statement of policy

Section B– Organisation and responsibilities

Section C– Arrangements


A General statement of policy

Our policy, so far as is reasonably practicable, is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employees, casual labour and voluntary helpers, and to provide such information, training and supervision as they need for this purpose.

We will also endeavour to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all members of the congregation, contractors, visitors and others who may visit the church, churchyard and any associated buildings.
The allocation of duties for safety matters and the particular arrangements that we will make to implement the policy are set out below.

The policy will be kept up to date, particularly in the light of any changes to our buildings or activities. To ensure this, the policy and the way in which it has operated will be reviewed regularly and the appropriate changes made.

In order to ensure that health and safety matters are kept constantly under review, an item on health and safety will be on the agenda for all meetings of the Parochial Church Council, and sub-committees (where they exist) and employees and voluntary workers will be consulted on a regular basis in order to seek their views on health and safety matters.

B Organisation and responsibilities

  1. Responsibility of the Vicar

Overall responsibility for health and safety is that of the Vicar

(or during the Interregnum, Area Dean, Revd. Nick Parker,

who will ensure that arrangements are in place for the day-to-day implementation of the health and safety regulations and appropriate Codes of Practice. Specific responsibilities may be delegated to church personnel. As new projects emerge, the names of responsible persons will be notified.

  1. Responsibility of the Churchwardens

Responsibility to ensure that the arrangements outlined in this policy are carried out and updated as necessary is with the Churchwardens, as noted below:

Sarah Roth & Christine Hornsby

Responsibility of the Parochial Church Council

The Parochial Church Council has general responsibility to ensure that the health and safety policy is implemented.

  1. Responsibility of the Health and Safety

The following person carries the responsibility for the day-to-day implementation of the arrangements outlined in the policy.

Margaret Eyre

The responsibility of the health and safety officer shall be to:

  1. be familiar with health and safety regulations as far as they concern church premises
  2. be familiar with the health and safety policy and arrangements and ensure they are observed
  3. ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, that safe systems of work are in place
  4. ensure the church and hall are clean and tidy
  5. ensure the churchyard is properly maintained including the safety of monuments, tombstones and trees, and that grass is kept cut
  6. ensure that safety equipment and clothing is provided and used by all personnel where this is required
  7. ensure that all plant, equipment and tools are properly maintained and in good condition and that all operators have received the appropriate training
  8. ensure that adequate access and egress is maintain
  9. ensure adequate firefighting equipment is available and maintained
  10. ensure that food hygiene regulations and procedures are observed.
  1. Responsibility of employees and voluntary workers

All employees and voluntary workers have a responsibility to co-operate in the implementation of this health and safety policy and to take reasonable care of themselves and others whilst on church business or premises.

Employees and voluntary workers must therefore:

  1. comply with safety rules, operating instructions and working procedures
  2. use protective clothing and equipment when it is required
  3. report any fault or defect in equipment immediately to the appropriate person
  4. report all accidents (however minor), injuries, near misses or other potential safety hazards as soon as possible
  5. not misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety.

  1. Responsible persons

The following are responsible for safety

These lists are not exhaustive

By activity
Accident book/Accident reporting (1) Emergency evacuation (2.4) Health and safety training
Condition of churchyard (7.2)

Contractors (17)

Margaret Eyre (H&S officer) Church Wardens

Church Wardens / Margaret Eyre (H&S officer)

Stuart Lee

Peter Thomas (vicar)

By area

Main body of church
Clergy & Choir vestries


Kitchens & Church hall

Hall Grounds

Church Wardens (all areas)

Guy Hawes

Stephen Hughes (signage)

Mark & Moira Johnson

Stuart Lee

C Arrangements (implementation of the policy)

This section sets out our arrangements to minimise as far as is reasonably practicable risks to the health and safety of employees voluntary workers, members of the congregation, visitors and contractors.

  1. Accidents and first aid

First aid boxes are located in:

Trained/qualified first aiders are:

Accident books are located next to the First Aid boxes

All accidents and incidents are entered on an Accident report form and our insurers advised as appropriate.

When the church or church hall is let to outside organisations, they are told in writing that in the event of an accident, details must be entered in the accident book.

Accident books and accident records are regularly reviewed.
These accidents will be reported by the responsible person at all PCC meetings.

  1. Fire safety

Our policy is to fulfil our obligations under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order. 2005. In order to achieve this, we undertake the following:

A regular check that our firefighting equipment is in place and is serviceable and that there is an annual maintenance contract in place with a reputable company.

    1. Fire extinguishers are kept in the following location


Type of extinguisher and capacity
Church porchWater9L
Church vestryWater9L
Sacristy C023Kg
Church hall- entranceWater9L
Church hall- main room Water9L
Church hall- kitchenPowder2Kg
Fire blanket
Church hall- stageC022Kg
Church hall- back door Water9L

The extinguishers noted are checked every month by the responsible person to ensure that they are still in place.

The extinguishers noted above are checked annually by Fixfire

    1. Evacuation procedure

For large events, our procedures for evacuation are as follows:

    1. Evacuation drills

Fire evacuation drills will be carried out annually. All employees and voluntary workers should ensure they are familiar with escape routes and ensure these are kept clear and unobstructed.

    1. If you discover a fire (no matter how small)
  1. Electrical safety

(iii) Do not attempt to use or repair faulty equipment be reported to the responsible person

(iv) No electrical equipment is to be brought onto the premises and used until it has been tested by the approved person (v) Electrical equipment should be switched off and disconnected when not in use for long periods 

(vi) Flexible cables should be positioned and protected so that they do not constitute a tripping hazard and are not subject to mechanical damage.

  1. Gas equipment safety

Our gas boiler is maintained and checked annually by a competent contractor who is registered with the Gas Safe Register. Any necessary work required for safety is implemented immediately.

  1. Hazardous substances

    The responsible person will maintain a list of all hazardous substances used in the church/hall. Where possible, we have eliminated the use of hazardous substances. Where this is not possible, our safety arrangements are as follows:

For all hazardous substances, which include substances marked as ‘harmful, irritant, corrosive, toxic, very toxic, flammable, highly flammable, extremely flammable, explosive, or ‘dangerous for the environment’ data sheets or product information provided by the manufacturers are used to determine the correct method of use, protective clothing needed, method of storage, and action to take in the event of an accident.

Do not mix chemicals

Do not store chemicals in unmarked containers.

  1. Safety of plant and machinery

The responsible person will maintain a list of all items of plant and machinery. The procedures for checking and rules for use are as follows:

  1. Slips, trips and falls – condition of floors, steps and paths

In order to reduce as far as is reasonably practicable the risk of slips, trips and falls, 
an inspection will be made every month by the responsible person of

  1. Lighting In order to ensure that the church is adequately lit, an inspection will be made every month by the responsible person to ensure that all lights in the church, hall and churchyard are working. Any bulbs that require replacing will be reported to the church wardens who will ensure that the bulbs are replaced following appropriate safety procedures.
  1. Working at high levels
    Anyone working at height, for example when replacing light bulbs, MUST follow the guidelines issued by the HSE (INDG401(rev2) a copy of which is at the back of this policy folder.
  1. Preparation of food
  1. Manual handling – lifting carrying and moving loads
  1. Hazardous glazing

A check is made of all glazing in the buildings to ensure that any glass in windows below waist height and in doors and beside doors below shoulder height is of a safety material or is protected against breakage

  1. Child protection and protection of vulnerable adults

A statement upholding our procedures will be made at each annual church meeting and be suitably recorded.

A permanent record will be maintained of all accidents involving children and vulnerable adults.

  1. Personal safety

    All individuals working alone should follow the guidelines issued by the HSE – ING73 (rev3), a copy of which is given to all employees and volunteers who have the potential of lone working.

  2. Risk assessments/activities

Risk assessments will be carried out on all areas of the church premises and all activities that carry a significant risk at regular intervals by a competent person in order to meet our obligations under The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.

  1. Contractors

Anyone entering the church premises for the purposes of carrying out work, other than an employee or voluntary worker of the church, will be regarded as a contractor. All contractors, including the self-employed, must abide by the following:


Policy Introduction 3Our Health and Safety Policy 4Section A– General statement of policy 5Section B– Organisation and responsibilities 6Section C– Arrangements (implementation of the policy) 10– Accidents and first aid 10– Fire safety 11– Electrical safety 13– Gas equipment safety 14– Hazardous substances 14– Safety of plant and machinery14– Slips, trips and falls 15– Lighting 16– Working at high levels 16– Preparation of food 16– Manual handling – lifting, carrying and moving loads 16– Display screen equipment17– Hazardous buildings/glazing 17– Child protection 17– Personal safety 17– Risk assessments/activities 18– Contractors 18– Information and enforcement 19– Health and Safety law poster 19.